5 Muscle Building Shoulder Exercise for Bigger Shoulders

5 Muscle Building Shoulder Exercise for Bigger Shoulders

Howdy Folks! In this article, I will be talking about the 5 muscle building shoulder exercise you should be doing if you want to have bigger shoulders.

5 Muscle Building Shoulder Exercise for Bigger Shoulders

Shoulder Muscles are a very important muscle for overall weight training. The joint in the shoulder is the most movable joint in the body. Shoulder muscles do many activities throughout the day. It includes lifting any kind of objects, labor work, household works, handling children and many more. So it is very important to include some shoulder exercise in your daily training regime to make the shoulder muscles stronger, bigger and rounder.


Rotator Cuff muscles are the most important muscles that surround the shoulder joint. Shoulder Exercise should be done which strengthens the rotator cuff. It is important to keep a balance between the front delt and the rear delt muscles. People often overtrain the front delt muscles. They train chest, back, arms which engage the front delt muscles.  And often undertrains the rear delts muscles. It is important to do the shoulder exercise that hits all the muscles in the shoulders. This includes the front delts, side delts, and rear delts.

As you know already, I will be discussing some of the must-do-exercise for shoulders that will increase the muscle mass of your shoulders. This exercise routine includes compound movements as well as isolation movements.

Before I start, I want you to know that all people don't work out all the same. Every people has their own choices of sets, own choices of reps or how heavy or light they want to train. So if you have your own workout routine, that's fantastic.

These 5 muscle building shoulder exercises are the most basic exercises that you can do. It will initially help to put on muscle mass in your shoulder. It will also help you to get stronger.

Once you master these 5 muscle building shoulder exercise, you can try out new techniques and routines that will enhance the muscle building activity in your body.

  • The exercises I am about to discuss does not include warm-up sets. So do not warm-up to muscle failure. You can do as many working sets you want.
  • Instead of going heavy, choose a weight which will allow you to reach muscle failure.
  • Get yourself a spotter to do the forced reps on the heavy sets. If you are working out without a spotter do the drop sets.

So here are the 5 Muscle Building Shoulder Exercise for Bigger Shoulders

1. Seated Overhead Barbell Press

Seated Overhead Barbell Press is the best muscle building shoulder exercise you can do to add some serious muscles in your delts. Overhead Barbell Press can also be done in the standing position. But the seated position is most widely preferred.  This is because, in the seated position, it is quite hard to use momentum to push the weight upwards. Overhead barbell press recruits the triceps muscles in order to push the weights.

Seated Overhead Barbell Press

One of the most important benefits of the seated overhead press is that it gives a full body workout. This exercise not only builds muscle in the shoulders but also engages the upper chest, triceps and the back muscles.

Overhead Barbell Press develops upper body mass and strength. This is a great exercise for pushing the maximum amount of weight overhead. Thus the overhead barbell press is a great shoulder exercise to build serious muscles in the delts.


2. Dumbbell Press

Dumbbell press is another muscle building shoulder exercise. A dumbbell press works on each side of the shoulders independently. This makes the exercise more challenging. This exercise involves a longer range of motion. This exercise can be done in the standing position too. But in standing position, you'll use the lower body for pushing the dumbbell up. The perfect option is to be seated while doing this exercise. Seated Dumbbell Press removes the lower body from the lift.

Dumbbell Press

The dumbbell press is a muscle building shoulder exercise which recruits the middle delts heavily. When you lift the dumbbell up, your arms go out to the sides in the motion.

This exercise allows you to go heavy with each set. If you are opting to go heavy, then I must recommend you have a spotter. A spotter will help you in getting the weights to the starting position. A spotter can spot you and help you kill those forced reps in heavy sets. This eventually makes the delts bigger and builds the muscle around the rotator cuff.


3. Upright Row

The next muscle building shoulder exercise we will be talking about here is the Upright Row. It is a great shoulder exercise to hit all three delt muscles and is known for its muscle-building movements. There are many variations of the upright row. You can do it with Barbell, Dumbbell or with the cables.

Upright Row

Every other variation comes with its own advantages. The deciding factor will be the wrist comfort. Taking a closer grip will result in with internally rotating your shoulders. You should instead choose a grip where your arms go wide directly to the sides. Close Grip Upright Row increases the range of motion. While a wider grip results with a greater delt activation. I suggest not to do this exercise right at the beginning of the exercise. Though it is a multijoint movement, I suggest you do this after the Overhead Barbell or Dumbbell Press.

(Also Read: Workout To Increase and Gain Biceps Size and have Big Arms)

4. Lateral Dumbbell Raise

This is one of the most important and most used muscle building exercise for the shoulders. This muscle building exercises highly recruits the middle delt in the shoulder muscles. Lateral Dumbbell Raise is a single joint movement used to hit the middle delts. Beginners usually perform this exercise in a wrong way.

Lateral Dumbbell Raise

Best way to execute this muscle building exercise is to perform it after the compound exercises. Dumbbell Press is an exercise which activates the larger part of the middle delts. Pairing up the Lateral Dumbbell Raise with Dumbbell Press will put a great tension to the middle delts. As a result, the middle delts will grow more. But if you want to work more on your front and rear delt, do this exercise last on your workout as a finisher move.

(Also Read: Best Triceps Exercise To Build Muscle for a Sleeve Bursting Arms)

5. Front Dumbbell Raise

Front Dumbbell Raise is a muscle building exercise that activates the front delt of the shoulders. If you raise your arm straight in front of you activates the anterior heads of the deltoids muscle. People usually do this exercise at the last because in most cases the front delts tend to be well developed due to the high volume training of the chest muscles.

Front Dumbbell Raise

There are many variations of front raises. You can do it with a standard bar, various cable handles, and dumbbells. In this case, I chose the front raises with dumbbells. This is because we can train each side independently and fix any muscle imbalances if there is any.


There are many muscle building shoulder exercise that you can try to implement on your shoulder day. But these five exercises are the basic movements that you should do in order to increase the muscle building activity in your body. Overhead Barbell Press is also known as the Military Press is a compound exercise that not only builds muscle but also increases the muscle building activity and strength in the body. Dumbbell Press is the exercise that trains shoulders of each side of your body independently.  This exercise helps in muscle building in the delts. The Upright Row is a rowing exercise that hits all three heads of the shoulders and plays a major role in muscle building. The dumbbell lateral raise and the dumbbell front raise isolates the middle delts and the anterior delts which also helps in muscle building of the shoulders altogether.


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